Tomorrow we'll travel to Galicia, to visit my grandma and family.. I'm so excited, is not just happiness, I need to be there, soon. There's a lot of things going on inside my head, a lot of things that I would like not to have to think about. I would like to be stronger, to be able of forget some persons that make my life harder. I need to be alone, alone with myself and the sea, listening it, letting the waves cuddle my thoughts, show them the way to leave my head empty. I need to learn from the past, even it hurts, as usual. Tears would ride down through my face, finally. Leaving freedom instead sadness, leaving peace instead fear.
It's time to do some new year's resolutions, and for the first time in live, get commited to them. I want to be different, I want to be stronger, I need it.
Nos vamos a Galicia.
Casi Feliz Navidad.
de rAnita nOe
It's time to do some new year's resolutions, and for the first time in live, get commited to them. I want to be different, I want to be stronger, I need it.
Nos vamos a Galicia.
Casi Feliz Navidad.
de rAnita nOe
Lo suficiente para defenderme con un diccionario bien lanzado al que se precie conversarme.
Buen viaje. Besos.
Tenho-te visto no blog do baltazar e agora percebi que também conheces a rita de POrtugal e melhor ainda, estudas kinesiologia! Eu sou Fisioterapeuta, amiga destes dois. Vim espreitar o teu blog...e por acaso hoje escrevi já sobre sermos fortes. Aprendi hoje com uma atleta pequenina que tratei que 'ser forte cansa'. Ás vezes, na mania de sermos fortes...cansamos e estoiramos. É bom permanecer forte mas conhecer limites :)
Bom trabalho!